Department Mathematik



Peter Philip


Contents / Quick Links:
Photo, Affiliation, Positions, Education, Publications, Presentations, Teaching.
Current Teaching:
Seminar: Selected Topics from Analysis and Numerical Analysis (page in German) (Winter 2024/2025).
Axiomatic Set Theory (at Moodle, page in German) (Summer 2024).
Analysis 2 for Statistics (page in German) (Summer 2024).

Current Position, Academic Affiliation:
Akademischer Oberrat (literally, the German term 'Akademischer Oberrat' means 'Senior Academic Councelor'),
Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich,
Theresienstrasse 39, 80333 Munich, Germany.
(e-mail address is an image due to spam control reasons - please copy it manually - sorry for any inconvenience).
Internet:, Mathematical Genealogy, Private Homepage.
Phone: +49 89 2180 4461. Fax: +49 89 2180 99 4461. Office: Room #301.

Academic Positions, Experience

2013, April - present, Akademischer Oberrat (German for 'Senior Academic Councelor')
2008, April - 2013, March, Akademischer Rat (German for 'Academic Councelor'),
Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU), Munich, Germany.
Member of the group Applied Mathematics and Numerics. The position carries a teaching load of 13 hours per week.
Research: Conducting research on shape optimization and numerical analysis of integro-partial differential equations.
Teaching: According to the required teaching load of 13 hours per week, I am continuously teaching lectures, discussion and lab sections, and seminars. For a complete list, use the following link to the section Teaching Experience. My teaching duties also include advising students on their theses and giving oral exams.
Refereed manuscripts for scientific journals.
Admistrative Duties: Member of the PhD committee of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics, coordinator for the Erasmus exchange program (one of several coordinators at the LMU math department) since 2014, local fire prevention agent (filing an annual fire prevention report to the university's central fire prevention office), substitute local rights of the householder agent (Hausrechtsbeauftragter) since 2010, member of W2 professorship selection committee in 2016, substitute member of W2 professorship selection committee in 2010 (participated in final meeting and voting).
2006, August - 2008, March, Research Associate,
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.
Member of the research group Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions. Research within the applied project Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of Semiconductor Bulk Single Crystals.
Conducted research on mathematical modeling of nonlinear heat and species transport, chemical reactions, free boundaries; on numerical analysis and numerical simulation of nonlinearly and nonlocally coupled parabolic and elliptic integro-partial differential equations; and on optimal control of radiative-conductive heat transfer coupled with electromagnetic heating. Also conducted research on mathematical modeling of brittle fracture using energy functional minimization.
Software development: WIAS-HiTNIHS. Optimizations and modifications of WIAS-HiTNIHS in support of the project Crystal Growth in Magnetic Fields (KristMAG). Developed concepts and started code implementation for a complete redesign of WIAS-HiTNIHS using C++ and pdelib2.
Taught class on Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Mathematics. Created lecture notes, devised and graded excercises, devised and conducted final oral exams.
Refereed manuscripts for scientific journals.
2004, September - 2006, August, Industrial Postdoctoral Fellow,
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Minneapolis, USA.
Industrial partner: Corning Incorporated.
First year (September 2004 - August 2005): Based at IMA, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Second year (September 2005 - August 2006): Based with industrial partner Corning Incorporated at Sullivan Park, Corning, NY, USA.
Conducted research in collaboration with industrial partner Corning Incorporated: Mathematical modeling of crack propagation in brittle materials using a multiscale approach to local energy functional minimization. Determining propensity for failure in ceramics structures using integral, energy-based criteria.
Conducted research in collaboration with WIAS: Numerical analysis and simulation of stationary and transient nonlinear heat transfer including diffuse-gray radiative heat transfer between cavity surfaces: Convergence of a finite volume scheme in the transient case. Control-constrained optimal control in the stationary case. Construction of a new finite volume scheme for problems with strongly anisotropic thermal conductivity in complex geometries, stability shown numerically.
Participated in the IMA Annual Program Mathematics of Materials and Macromolecules: Multiple Scales, Disorder, and Singularities, September 2004 - June 2005, in particular in the program workshops Mathematics of Materials, Modeling of Soft Matter, Singularities in Materials, Future Challenges in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, and New Paradigms in Computation.
Co-organized minisymposiums at international conferences. Refereed application for funding submitted to the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF).
Software development and support: Implemented code to extend simulation software WIAS-HiTNIHS developed during previous position at Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin. Advised and supported developers regarding the continuing extension of WIAS-HiTNIHS at WIAS. Created and maintained websites for internet presentation of research. Participated in meetings of the Modeling & Simulation group at Corning Incorporated.
1997, September - 2004, August, Research Associate,
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.
Member of the research group Partial Differential Equations and Variational Equations. Research within the applied project Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals.
Research conducted on mathematical modeling of nonlinear heat and species transport, chemical reactions, free boundaries; numerical analysis and numerical simulation of nonlinearly and nonlocally coupled parabolic and elliptic integro-partial differential equations.
Software development: WIAS-HiTNIHS: Implemented code based on WIAS program library pdelib, negotiated with pdelib developers, directed and coordinated WIAS-HiTNIHS developers. Installed WIAS-HiTNIHS at Institute of Crystal Growth (IKZ), Berlin, Germany, to aide growth experiments. Provided WIAS-HiTNIHS-related software support to IKZ.
Established contact with SiC industry. Created and maintained websites for internet presentation of project. Refereed manuscript for scientific journal.
1997, December - 1998, December, Contract Author,
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag is now part of Elsevier).
Responsible for the topic Set Theory of the German mathematics encyclopedia Lexikon der Mathematik.
1994, August - 1995, May, Teaching Assistant,
University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP), USA, Department of Mathematics
Taught classes on Precalculus (two parallel sections in both fall and spring semester, each section 3 hours per week, some 30 students in each section). Devised quizzes and exams, graded exams, evaluated student assignments, proctored taking of exams, advised students.


Quick Link: Further Professional Training.

2013, January 09: Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany
Academic title Privatdozent in mathematics awarded (in the German academic system, the title signifies a person's right to teach independently in the named field at the conferring university; as in my case, it is usually awarded following the aquisition of a habilitation degree in the same field, cf. the following item).
2012, October 29: Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Habilitation degree Dr. rer. nat. habil. in mathematics awarded (in the German academic system, the Habilitation degree traditionally signifies a person's scientific and pedagogical suitability for a professorship, in particular, the ability to teach at all levels in the field in which the degree was awarded).
Following successful defense of cumulative habilitation thesis
Functional Optimization- and Integro-Partial Differential Equations-Based Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation. Applications to Heat Transfer, Crack Propagation, and Shape Design.
Using the following link, you can download the thesis in PDF format: thesis.pdf.
2003, February 03: Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Mathematics
Doctoral degree Dr. rer. nat. in mathematics awarded with grade "summa cum laude".
Following successful defense of doctoral thesis
Transient Numerical Simulation of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals. Modeling, Finite Volume Method, Results.
Using the following links, you can download the thesis in PDF and in PS format: thesis.pdf,
1997, March 26: Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Diplom degree (sometimes considered equivalent to the Masters degree) in mathematics with minor subject physics awarded with grade "mit Auszeichnung" ("with excellence").
Oral exams passed on Topology and Measure Theory (1 hour), Ordinary Differential Equations and Integral Equations (1 hour), Quantum Theory (30 min).
Diplom thesis (sometimes considered equivalent to the Masters thesis) in mathematics titled Extremalpunkte von Mengen von Matrizen mit vorgegebener Randverteilung (Extreme Points of Sets of Matrices With Given Marginals, in German)
directed by Prof. Dr. Ehrhard Behrends (page in German). Thesis referees: Prof. Dr. Ehrhard Behrends (page in German) and Prof. Dr. Dirk Werner.
Using the following links, you can download the thesis in PS format and PDF format:, thesis.pdf.
1995, October - 1997, March: Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Student of the Diplom programs in mathematics and in physics.
Course work included Integral Equations, Probability Theory, Differential Topology, Graph Theory.
1994, August - 1995, May: University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP), USA, Department of Mathematics
Two semesters of graduate studies due to an exchange program of the Free University of Berlin, Germany.
Course work included Real Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, General Relativity and Gravitation.
1993, September 21: Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Vordiplom examinations (intermediate exams for the Diplom program) in mathematics and physics, both passed with grade "sehr gut" ("very good"). Examinations included oral exams on Linear Algebra (30 min), Analysis (30 min), Elementary Probability Theory (30 min), Experimental Physics (30 min), Theoretical Physics (30 min), Computer Science (30 min).
1991, October - 1994, June: Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Student of the Diplom programs in mathematics and in physics.
Course work included Distribution Theory, Topology, Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis, Group Theory, Model Theory, Numerical Mathematics, Set Theory, Linear Algebra, Numerical Physics, Quantum Theory, Thermodynamics, Particles and Fields, Theoretical Mechanics, Theoretical Electrodynamics, Experimental Physics, Algorithms and Programming, Computer Organization.
1991, June 07: Albert-Schweitzer-Oberschule (page in German), Berlin, Germany
Graduation from high school (Abitur, school-leaving examination and qualification for university entrance) with grade average 1.1 (1="very good", 2="good", 3="satisfactory", 4="sufficient", 5="unsatisfactory", 6="insufficient",   one needs 4 or better to pass).
1984, Summer - 1991, Summer: Albert-Schweitzer-Oberschule (page in German), Berlin, Germany
High school education.
1978, Summer - 1984, Summer: Evangelische Schule Neukölln (page in German), Berlin, Germany
Elementary school education.

Further Professional Training

2004, Fall: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Two training classes organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning Services on Fine Tuning Your Accent: Part I: Word Stress and Enunciation, October 06, 2004; Part II: Fluency and Melody, November 17, 2004.
Training class organized by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Writing Fundable Grant Proposals in the Sciences and Engineering, November 08, 2004.


Quick Links: Lecture Notes, Theses, Articles in Refereed Journals, Other Articles, Miscellaneous.

Lecture Notes

In alphabetical order by title:

  1. Peter Philip: Analysis I: Calculus of One Real Variable. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Winter Semester 2015/2016 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. A revised version of the notes is available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202109.111306.

  2. Peter Philip: Analysis II: Topology and Differential Calculus of Several Variables. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2016 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. A revised version of the notes is available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202109.111307.

  3. Peter Philip: Analysis III: Measure and Integration Theory of Several Variables. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Winter Semester 2016/2017 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. A revised version of the notes is available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202109.111308.

  4. Peter Philip: Axiomatic Set Theory. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2024 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany.

    Using the following link, you can download the lecture notes in PDF format: lectureNotes.pdf.

  5. Peter Philip: Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Winter Semester 2010/2011 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. Revised and extended for several subsequent Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students classes I taught at LMU Munich.

    Using the following link, you can download the lecture notes in PDF format: lectureNotes.pdf.

  6. Peter Philip: Calculus II for Statistics Students. Lecture notes originally created for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2008 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. Revised and extended for several subsequent Calculus II for Statistics Students classes I taught at LMU Munich.

    Using the following link, you can download the lecture notes in PDF format: lectureNotes.pdf.

  7. Peter Philip: Functional Analysis. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Summer Semester 2017 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany.

    Using the following link, you can download a revised version of the lecture notes in PDF format: lectureNotes.pdf.

  8. Peter Philip: Linear Algebra I. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Winter Semester 2018/2019 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. A revised version of the notes is available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202109.111304.

  9. Peter Philip: Linear Algebra II. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Summer Semester 2019 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. A revised version of the notes is available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202109.111305.

  10. Peter Philip: Numerical Mathematics I. Lecture notes originally created for my corresponding class of Winter Semester 2008/2009 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. Revised and extended for several subsequent Numerical Mathematics I classes I taught at LMU Munich. Available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202204.111317.

  11. Peter Philip: Numerical Mathematics II: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2015 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. Revised for several subsequent Numerical Mathematics II classes I taught at LMU Munich. Available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202210.111342.

  12. Peter Philip: Numerical Methods for Mathematical Finance. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2010 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. Revised and extended for my corresponding class of Winter Semester 2011/2012 taught at LMU Munich.

    Using the following link, you can download the lecture notes in PDF format: lectureNotes.pdf.

  13. Peter Philip: Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations. Lecture notes originally created for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2007 taught at the Department of Mathematics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. Revised and extended for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2009 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany.

    Using the following link, you can download the lecture notes in PDF format: lectureNotes.pdf.

  14. Peter Philip: Ordinary Differential Equations. Lecture notes created for my corresponding class of Spring Semester 2012 taught at the Department of Mathematics (in German only), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. Revised and extended for several subsequent ODE classes I taught at LMU Munich. Available for free download in PDF format as

    AMS Open Math Notes Reference # OMN:202308.111371.


  1. Habilitation Thesis: Functional Optimization- and Integro-Partial Differential Equations-Based Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation. Applications to Heat Transfer, Crack Propagation, and Shape Design. Successfully defended at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics of the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany, October 29, 2012.

    The thesis is cumulative, i.e. it consists of nine previously published papers plus an extended introduction. Using the following link, you can download the introduction and the bibliography of the thesis in PDF format: thesis.pdf.

  2. Doctoral Thesis: Transient Numerical Simulation of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals. Modeling, Finite Volume Method, Results. Successfully defended at the Department of Mathematics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, February 03, 2003. Report No. 22, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany.

    Using the following links, you can download the thesis in PDF and in PS format: thesis.pdf,, WIAS-Report-22.pdf.

  3. Diplom Thesis: Extreme Points of Sets of Matrices With Given Marginals (in German).

    The following links provide access to postscript- and PDF versions of this thesis: and original.pdf are the original version (the one I turned in, that is); and revised.pdf are a revised version, where some improvements where made (e.g., some type errors were corrected, the layout was changed and an index was added as well as a list of symbols).

Articles in Refereed Scientific Journals

  1. P. Philip and D. Tiba: A Penalization and Regularization Technique in Shape Optimization Problems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) 51 (2013), 4295-4317. DOI link.

    The article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: bcamPreprint.pdf.

  2. P.-E. Druet and P. Philip: Noncompactness of integral operators modeling diffuse-gray radiation in polyhedral and transient settings. Integral Equations and Operator Theory (IEOT) 69 (2011), 101-111. DOI link.

    The article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-1493.pdf.

  3. P. Philip: Analysis, Optimal Control, and Simulation of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Mathematics and its Applications / Annals of AOSR 2 (2010), 171-204. Download PDF.

  4. O. Klein, Ch. Lechner, P.-E. Druet, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, Ch. Frank-Rotsch, F.-M. Kießling, W. Miller, U. Rehse, P. Rudolph: Numerical simulations of the influence of a traveling magnetic field, generated by an internal heater-magnet module, on liquid encapsulated Czochralski crystal growth, Magnetohydrodynamics 45 (2009), 257-267. Special Issue: Selected papers of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing, Hannover, Germany, October 27-29, 2008. View abstract.

  5. P. Philip: A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Crack Reversibility, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics: an International Journal (IMMIJ) 2 (2009), 31-44. DOI link.

  6. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: A finite volume scheme designed for anisotropic heat transfer in general polyhedral domains, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications (AMSA) 18 (2008), 43-67.

    The article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: IMA-Preprint-2046.pdf.
    Alternatively, the preprint version is also available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-1033.pdf.

  7. O. Klein, Ch. Lechner, P.-E. Druet, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, Ch. Frank-Rotsch, F.-M. Kießling, W. Miller, U. Rehse, P. Rudolph: Numerical simulation of Czochralski crystal growth under the influence of a traveling magnetic field generated by an internal heater-magnet module (HMM), Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008), 1523 - 1532. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-15) in conjunction with the International Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy and the US Biennial Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Salt Lake City, USA, August 12-17, 2007. DOI link.

  8. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: Numerical simulation of temperature fields during the sublimation growth of SiC single crystals, using WIAS-HiTNIHS, Journal of Crystal Growth 303 (2007), 352 - 356. Special Issue: Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth - IWMCG-5, Bamberg, Germany, September 10-13, 2006. DOI link.

  9. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: Transient numerical study of temperature gradients during sublimation growth of SiC: Dependence on apparatus design, Journal of Crystal Growth 297 (2006), 20 - 32. DOI link.

    The article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: IMA-Preprint-2079.pdf.
    Alternatively, the preprint version is also available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-1080.pdf.

  10. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: Influence of anisotropic thermal conductivity in the apparatus insulation for sublimation growth of SiC: Numerical investigation of heat transfer, Crystal Growth & Design 6 (2006), 2021 - 2028. DOI link.

    The article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: IMA-Preprint-2048.pdf.
    Alternatively, the preprint version is also available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-1034.pdf.

  11. C. Meyer, P. Philip, F. Tröltzsch: Optimal Control of a Semilinear PDE with Nonlocal Radiation Interface Conditions, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) 45 (2006), 699-721. DOI link.

    The article has been slightly revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: IMA-Preprint-2002.pdf.
    Alternatively, the preprint version is also available as a PS or PDF file via the following overview webpage: TU-Preprint-2004/33; or as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-976.pdf.

  12. C. Meyer, P. Philip: Optimizing the temperature profile during sublimation growth of SiC single crystals: Control of heating power, frequency, and coil position, Crystal Growth & Design 5 (2005), 1145-1156. DOI link.

    This article has been minorly revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-895.pdf.

  13. O. Klein, P. Philip: Transient conductive-radiative heat transfer: Discrete existence and uniqueness for a finite volume scheme, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS) 15 (2005), 227-258. DOI link.

    This article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-871.pdf.

  14. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels: Modeling and simulation of sublimation growth of SiC bulk single crystals, Interfaces and Free Boundaries 6 (2004), 295-314. DOI link.

  15. O. Klein, P. Philip: Transient temperature phenomena during sublimation growth of silicon carbide single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 249 (2003), 514-522. DOI link.

    This article has been slightly revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-755.pdf.

  16. O. Klein, P. Philip: Transient numerical investigation of induction heating during sublimation growth of silicon carbide single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 247 (2003), 219-235. DOI link.

    This article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-659.pdf.

  17. O. Klein, P. Philip: Correct voltage distribution for axisymmetric sinusoidal modeling of induction heating with prescribed current, voltage, or power, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38 (2002), No. 3, 1519-1523. DOI link.

    This article has been slightly revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-669.pdf.

  18. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Radiation- and convection-driven transient heat transfer during sublimation growth of silicon carbide single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 222 (2001), 832-851. DOI link.

    This article has been revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-552.pdf.

  19. N. Bubner, O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: A transient model for the sublimation growth of silicon carbide single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 205 (1999), 294-304. DOI link.

    This article has been slightly revised from its preprint version which is available as a PDF file via the following link: WIAS-Preprint-443.pdf.

  20. P. Philip: Cardinality and structure of extreme infinite doubly stochastic matrices, Archiv der Mathematik 71 (1998), 417-424. DOI link. Also see Mathematical Reviews, 99h:15021.

    This article consists of a minorly revised version of the preprint Some Remarks on Extreme Infinite Doubly Stochastic Matrices, Free University of Berlin, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Series A, # 7, 1997. This preprint is available via the Preprints, Series A 1997 webpage. It is found as the 7th preprint in the list on that page.

Articles in Conference Proceedings, Collections, and Miscellaneous

  1. P. Philip: PDE-Driven Shape Optimization: Numerical Investigation of Different Descent Directions and Projections Using Penalization and Regularization, pp. 237-246 in System Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 443 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer, 2014. DOI link.

  2. P. Philip: Fully Implicit Finite Volume Scheme for Transient Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer: Discrete Existence, Uniqueness, Maximum Principle, e-print arXiv:1407.1757, 2014.

  3. P. Philip and D. Tiba: Shape optimization via control of a shape function on a fixed domain: Theory and numerical results, pp. 305-320 in Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Optimization, and Technological Problems, Vol. 27 of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Springer, 2013. DOI link.

  4. O. Klein, Ch. Lechner, P.-E. Druet, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, Ch. Frank-Rotsch, F.-M. Kießling, W. Miller, U. Rehse, P. Rudolph: Numerical simulations of the influence of a traveling magnetic field, generated by an internal heater-magnet module, on Czochralski crystal growth. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium MODELLING FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSING, Hannover, Germany, October 27-29, 2008. Published online at

  5. P. Philip: Optimal Control of Conductive-Radiative Temperature Fields Generated via Electromagnetic Heating, pp. 631-633 in Oberwolfach Report No. 13/2008 on the Oberwolfach workshop on Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE, Oberwolfach, Germany, March 2-8, 2008. Published online at

  6. P. Philip: A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Crack Reversibility in Proceedings of APCOM'07 in conjunction with EPMESC XI, Kyoto, Japan, December 3-6, 2007, CD-ROM.

  7. P. Philip, M. Ravichandran: RTR 102862, Corning Incorporated restricted technical report, Corning, NY, USA, 2006.

  8. P. Philip: A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Reversibility Using Local Energy Minimization, Corning Incorporated nonrestricted technical report NTR 102855, Corning, NY, USA, 2006.

  9. P. Philip: A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Reversibility, Corning Incorporated nonrestricted technical report NTR 102677, Corning, NY, USA, 2006.

  10. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: Transient Modeling of Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals: Effect of Process Design on Temperature Gradient Evolution in Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, USA, July 25-27, 2005, CD-ROM.

  11. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: WIAS-HiTNIHS: Software-tool for simulation in sublimation growth for SiC single crystal: Application and Methods in Proceedings of the International Congress of Nanotechnology, San Francisco, November 7-10, 2004. Download PDF.

  12. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Schefter, J. Sprekels: Numerical simulation and optimization of SiC single crystal growth by sublimation from the gas phase in Annual Research Report 2003 of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.

  13. P. Philip: Die Geschichte der Mengenlehre (The History of Set Theory, in German) in: Guido Walz (editor): Faszination Mathematik (Fascination Mathematics), pp. 45-48, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag is now part of Elsevier), 2003. This article was previously published as article # 6 below.

  14. P. Philip: (Axiomatische) Mengenlehre ((Axiomatic) Set Theory, in German) in: Guido Walz (editor): Faszination Mathematik (Fascination Mathematics), pp. 142-148, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag is now part of Elsevier), 2003. This article is a shortened version of article # 3 below.

  15. J. Sprekels, O. Klein, P. Philip, K. Wilmanski: Optimal Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Crystals, pp. 343-354 in W. Jäger, H.-J. Krebs (Eds): Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2003. DOI link.

  16. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Schefter, J. Sprekels: Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals in Annual Research Report 2002 of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.

  17. P. Philip: Produktion bei 3000 Grad mit kühlem Kopf optimieren (Coolly Optimizing Production at 3000 Degrees, in German). Article provided for a press conference on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the DFG Research Center MATHEON Mathematics for Key Technologies of the German Research Foundation (DFG), November 2002.

  18. O. Klein, P. Philip: Induction Heating During SiC Growth by PVT: Aspects of Axisymmetric Sinusoidal Modeling, pp. 271-276 in Proceedings of the 10-th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria, September 16-18, 2002, CD-ROM, ISBN: 3-901351-65-5. Using the following link, you can download the article in PDF format.

  19. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Numerical simulation and optimization of SiC single crystal growth by sublimation from the gas phase in Annual Research Report 2001 of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.

  20. P. Philip: Kardinalzahlen und Ordinalzahlen (Cardinals and Ordinals, in German) in Lexikon der Mathematik (German mathematics encyclopedia), Vol. 3, pp. 84-88, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag is now part of Elsevier), 2001.

  21. P. Philip: Geschichte der Mengenlehre (History of Set Theory, in German) in Lexikon der Mathematik (German mathematics encyclopedia), Vol. 2, pp. 284-285, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag is now part of Elsevier), 2001.

  22. O. Klein, P. Philip: Transient Numerical Simulation of Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals, in K.-H. Hoffmann (ed.): Smart Materials, Proceedings of the 1st caesarium, Bonn, November 17-19, 1999, pp. 127-136, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2001. DOI link.

  23. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Optimale Steuerung der Sublimationszüchtung von SiC-Kristallen in Annual Research Report 2000 (report and page in German) of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.

  24. P. Philip: Axiomatische Mengenlehre (Axiomatic Set Theory, in German) in Lexikon der Mathematik (German mathematics encyclopedia), Vol. 1, pp. 147-150, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag is now part of Elsevier), 2000.

  25. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Optimale Steuerung der Sublimationszüchtung von SiC-Kristallen in Annual Research Report 1999 (report and page in German) of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.

  26. N. Bubner, O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Optimale Steuerung der Sublimationszüchtung von SiC-Kristallen in Annual Research Report 1998 (report and page in German) of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany.


  1. Entries for the section Set Theory of the German mathematics encyclopedia Lexikon der Mathematik of the Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag is now part of Elsevier). Contributions were finished and submitted in December 1998 and accepted for publication in the encyclopedia in April 1999. The encyclopedia has been published as 5 volumes plus 1 index volume: Volume 1 (2000), Volumes 2 and 3 (2001), Volumes 4 and 5 (2002), Index Volume (2003).


Quick Links: International Conference Talks, Public Lecture, Other Talks, Posters.

International Conference Talks

  1. Numerical Fixed-Domain Approaches to PDE-Constrained Shape Optimization with Objective Functionals Concentrated on the Boundary of the Unknown Shape, minisymposium "Modelling and Control in Contact Mechanics" at the IFIP TC 7 / 2015, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 29, 2015.

  2. Penalization and Regularization Techniques in Shape Optimization in Arbitrary Dimension, minisymposium "Shape Optimization and Free Boundaries" at the IFIP TC 7 / 2013, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 11, 2013.

  3. Optimal Control of Conductive-Radiative Temperature Fields Generated via Electromagnetic Heating, meeting on "Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE", Oberwolfach, Germany, March 03, 2008.

  4. A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Crack Reversibility, minisymposium "Recent Advances in Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics" at the APCOM'07 in conjunction with EPMESC XI, Kyoto, Japan, December 3-6, 2007.

    Using the following link, you can view and download the talk in PDF format: talk.pdf.

  5. Optimal Control of the Heat Transfer During Sublimation Growth of Silicon Carbide Single Crystals, minisymposium "Industrial Optimal Control Problems" at the SIAM Conference on Mathematics for Industry: Challenges and Frontiers, Detroit, MI, USA, October 24-26, 2005.

  6. Transient Modeling of Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals: Effect of Process Design on Temperature Gradient Evolution, minisymposium "Complex Models in Solid and Fluid Mechanics: Methods and Applications in Multi-Physical and Multi-Scaling Problems" at the 8th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, USA, July 25-27, 2005.

  7. Towards Optimal Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals, minisymposium "Inverse Problems in Material Science" at the conference "Applied Inverse Problems: Theoretical and Computational Aspects", Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA, May 20, 2003.

  8. Summer School Lecture on Stationary and Transient Simulation, WE-HERAEUS-FERIENKURS on "SiC and GaN - Materials for Power- and Opto-Electronics", Cottbus, Germany, September 03 - September 14, 2001.

  9. Transient Numerical Simulation of Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals, meeting on "Optimal Control of Complex Dynamic Structures", Oberwolfach, Germany, June 05, 2000.

  10. Transient Numerical Simulation of Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals, PhTIEE "Phase Transitions and Interfaces in Evolution Equations: analysis, control, and approximation", Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, February 09, 2000.

  11. Transient Numerical Simulation of Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals, 1st caesarium "Smart Materials", caesar, Bonn, Germany, November 19, 1999.

  12. A Model for the Sublimation Growth of Silicon Carbide Single Crystals Including Heat Transfer by Radiation, workshop "Systems with Hysteresis", WIAS, Berlin, Germany, September 20, 1999.

Lectures to the General Public

  1. Produktion bei 3000 Grad mit kühlem Kopf optimieren (Coolly Optimizing Production at 3000 Degrees). Short talk during the opening ceremony of the DFG Research Center MATHEON Mathematics for Key Technologies of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

  2. Siliciumcarbid - ein Material mit Tradition und Zukunft (Silicon Carbide - a Material with Tradition and Future). Joint talk with D. Siche at the Urania Berlin, Germany, January 24, 2002. You can use the following link to see a Microsoft Powerpoint version of this talk (in German): slides.ppt.

Selected Talks at Colloquiums, Workshops, and Seminars

  1. Talk in the colloquium on Applied Mathematics at the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science Applications in Civil Engineering (in German only) at the Universität der Bundeswehr Munich: Numerical Analysis and Simulation of PDE-Constrained Shape Optimization via Control of a Shape Function on a Fixed Domain, Munich, Germany, December 14, 2015.

  2. Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematics, Clausthal University of Technology: Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Shape Optimization with Elliptic PDE Constraints. Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, July 22, 2013.

  3. Habilitation Colloquium for the habilitation thesis Functional Optimization- and Integro-Partial Differential Equations-Based Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation. Applications to Heat Transfer, Crack Propagation, and Shape Design. Department of Mathematics, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, October 29, 2012.

  4. Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematics, University of Regensburg: PDE-Driven Shape Optimization Via a Fixed-Domain Method: Analysis and Numerical Results. Regensburg, Germany, April 27, 2012.

  5. Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Bergakademie Freiberg: Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Shape Design via Control of a Shape Function on a Fixed Domain. Freiberg, Germany, March 19, 2012.

  6. Seminar talk at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR): Modeling Diffuse-Gray Radiation via Noncompact Integral Operators on Polyhedral Domains and/or in Transient Settings. Bucharest, Romania, April 1, 2011.

  7. Seminar talk at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR): Numerical Analysis, Control, and Simulation of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Bucharest, Romania, August 7, 2009.

  8. Talk in the Applied Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar of the Department of Mathematics, Ludwig Maximilians University: Numerical Analysis, Control, and Simulation of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Munich, Germany, October 24, 2008.

  9. Talk at the Center Days colloquium of the DFG Research Center MATHEON Mathematics for Key Technologies: Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of Semiconductor Bulk Single Crystals, Berlin, Germany, April 7, 2008.

  10. Seminar talk at the Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES), RWTH Aachen University: Numerical Analysis and Control of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Aachen, Germany, January 29, 2008.

  11. Seminar talk at the Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry, University of Limerick: Numerics and Optimal Control of Nonlinear Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Limerick, Ireland, July 20, 2007.

  12. Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematics, Ludwig Maximilians University: Numerik und optimale Steuerung nichtlinearer Wärmeleitung mit Strahlung. Munich, Germany, July 07, 2007.

  13. Joint talk with Irwin Yousept at the C-Day colloquium of the DFG Research Center MATHEON Mathematics for Key Technologies: Numerical simulation and control of sublimation growth of semiconductor bulk single crystals, Berlin, Germany, May 21, 2007. You can use the following link to see a PDF version of this talk: slides.pdf.

  14. Talk in the weekly seminar of the research group Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany: A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Crack Reversibility. Berlin, Germany, July 10, 2006.

  15. Talk in the Postdoc Seminar of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota: A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Crack Reversibility Using Local Energy Minimization. Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 09, 2006.

  16. Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist University: A Finite Volume Scheme for Transient Nonlocal Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Dallas, TX, USA, April 06, 2006.

  17. Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University: A Finite Volume Scheme for Transient Nonlocal Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Kent, OH, USA, March 03, 2006.

  18. Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina: A Finite Volume Scheme for Transient Nonlocal Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer. Columbia, SC, USA, January 17, 2006.

  19. Talk in the weekly seminar of the Modeling and Simulation department at Corning Incorporated: Modeling Fracture in Brittle Materials: From the Griffith Crack to Cohesive Forces and Energy Minimization. Corning, NY, USA, November 07, 2005.

  20. Talk in the Postdoc Seminar of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota: A Finite Volume Scheme for Transient Nonlocal Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer, Part 2: Convergence to the Weak Solution. Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 20, 2005.

  21. Talk in the Postdoc Seminar of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota: A Finite Volume Scheme for Transient Nonlocal Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer, Part 1: Formulation and Discrete Maximum Principle. Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 31, 2005. You can use the following link to see a PDF version of this talk: slides.pdf.

  22. Talk in the seminar Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis in the School of Mathematics of the University of Minnesota: Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals: Modeling, Finite Volume Method, Analysis and Results. Minneapolis, MN, USA, September 16, 2004. You can use the following link to see a PDF version of this talk: slides.pdf.

  23. Talk for the "Show and Tell" at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota: Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals: Modeling, Finite Volume Method, Analysis and Results. Minneapolis, MN, USA, September 15, 2004. You can use the following link to see a PDF version of this talk: slides.pdf.

  24. Seminar talk at Corning Inc. Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals: Modeling, Finite Volume Method, Analysis and Results. Corning, NY, USA, September 08, 2004. This talk is almost the same as talk #10 above. You can use the following link to see a PDF version of talk #10: slides.pdf.

  25. Defense Colloquium for the doctoral thesis Transient Numerical Simulation of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals. Modeling, Finite Volume Method, Results. Department of Mathematics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, February 03, 2003.

  26. WIAS-HiTNIHS - Transient Simulation with the High Temperature Numerical Induction Heating Simulator, 2nd dgkk Workshop "Applied Simulation in Crystal Growth", Memmelsdorf, Germany, October 10, 2002.

  27. Numerical Simulation of SiC Bulk Single Crystal Growth by Sublimation, dgkk Workshop "Applied Simulation in Crystal Growth", Aufseß, Germany, February 14, 2001.

  28. Nonlinear Heat Transport Including Diffusion and Convection: Discrete Existence and Uniqueness for a Finite Volume Scheme, University of Pavia, Italy, September 06, 2000.

  29. Zeitabhängige Modellierung der Sublimationszüchtung von SiC-Einkristallen (Transient Modeling of Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals). Colloquium of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany, April 17, 2000.

  30. Transient numerical simulation of sublimation growth of SiC single crystals, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany, September 16, 1999.

Poster Presentations

  1. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Geiser, D. Siche, J. Wollweber: Numerical investigation of the influence of an anisotropic insulation felt on the temperature field in a PVT growth apparatus, 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth in conjunction with the 13th Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy and the US Biennial Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, August 12 - 17, 2007.

  2. O. Klein, Ch. Lechner, P.-E. Druet, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, Ch. Frank-Rotsch, F.-M. Kießling, W. Miller, U. Rehse, P. Rudolph: Numerical simulation of Czochralski crystal growth under the influence of a traveling magnetic field generated by an internal heater-magnet module (HMM), 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth in conjunction with the 13th Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy and the US Biennial Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, August 12 - 17, 2007.

  3. P. Philip: A Quasistatic Crack Propagation Model Allowing for Cohesive Forces and Crack Reversibility, FBP 2006 -- Recent Advances in Free Boundary Problems and Related Topics, Levico, Italy, September 14-16, 2006.

  4. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: Numerical Simulation of Temperature Fields During the Sublimation Growth of SiC Single Crystals, Using WIAS-HiTNIHS, 5th International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth (IWMCG-5), Bamberg, Germany, September 10-13, 2006.

  5. J. Geiser, O. Klein, P. Philip: Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Materials with Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity: A Finite Volume Scheme to Handle Complex Geometries, Workshop "New Paradigms in Computation" at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, March 28-30, 2005. You can use the following link to see a pdf slide version of this poster: slides.pdf.

  6. J. Geiser, O. Klein, C. Meyer, P. Philip. J. Sprekels, F. Tröltzsch: Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals, Workshop "Future Challenges in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation" at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, November 18, 2004. You can use the following link to see a pdf slide version of this poster: slides.pdf.

  7. C. Meyer, P. Philip. F. Tröltzsch: Optimal Control of a PDE with Weakly Singular Integral Operator: Tuning Temperature Fields During Crystal Growth, Workshop "Singularities in Materials" at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 25, 2004. You can use the following link to see a pdf slide version of this poster: slides.pdf.

  8. P. Philip: Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single Crystals: Modeling, Finite Volume Method, Analysis and Results, "Show and Tell" at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, September 15, 2004. You can use the following link to see a pdf slide version of this poster: slides.pdf.

  9. C. Meyer, O. Klein, P. Philip. A. Rösch, J. Sprekels, F. Tröltzsch: Optimalsteuerung bei der Herstellung von SiC-Einkristallen (Optimal Control During the Production of SiC Single Crystals, in German), public event MathInside - There Is Mathematics Everywhere of the DFG Research Center MATHEON Mathematics for Key Technologies, Berlin, on the occasion of the Open Day at the Urania Berlin, September 13, 2003.

  10. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Schefter, J. Sprekels: Numerical Simulation and Control of SiC Bulk Single Crystal Growth, BMBF Review Colloquium "New Mathematical Methods in Manufacturing and Service Industry", Ludwigshaven, Germany, December 16 - December 17, 2002.

  11. O. Klein, P. Philip: Induction Heating During SiC Growth by PVT: Aspects of Axisymmetric Sinusoidal Modeling, 10-th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria, September 16 - September 18, 2002.

  12. O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Numerical Simulation and Control of SiC Bulk Single Crystal Growth, BMBF Review Colloquium "Mathematical Methods Solving Problems in Industry and Business" and "New Mathematical Methods in Manufacturing and Service Industry", Frankfurt am Main, Germany, December 11 - December 12, 2000.

  13. N. Bubner, O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: A Transient Model for the Sublimation Growth of Silicon Carbide Single Crystals, Workshop "Crystal Growth Meeting Germany-Japan-Poland", Institute of Crystal Growth (IKZ), Berlin, Germany, April 19 - April 20, 1999.

  14. N. Bubner, O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Optimale Steuerung der Sublimations-Züchtung von SiC-Kristallen (Optimal Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Crystals, in German), BMBF Review Colloquium "Mathematical Methods Solving Problems in Industry and Business", Erlangen, February 17 - February 19, 1999.

  15. N. Bubner, O. Klein, P. Philip, J. Sprekels, K. Wilmanski: Optimale Steuerung der Sublimations-Züchtung von SiC-Kristallen (Optimal Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Crystals, in German), BMBF Review Colloquium "Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future", Heidelberg, Germany, 1997.

Teaching Experience

Current Teaching:

Seminar: Selected Topics from Analysis and Numerical Analysis (page in German) (Winter 2024/2025).
Axiomatic Set Theory (at Moodle, page in German) (Summer 2024).
Analysis 2 for Statistics (page in German) (Summer 2024).

Classes Taught:


  1. Axiomatic Set Theory:

  2. Calculus II for Statistics Students:
    2024, 2023, 2022,
    2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2008.

  3. Numerical Mathematics I:
    2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2016/2017, 2014/2015, 2009/2010, 2008/2009.
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  4. Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students:
    2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2014/2015, 2012/2013, 2010/2011.

  5. Numerical Mathematics II:
    2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2015.
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  6. Linear Algebra II:
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  7. Linear Algebra I:
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  8. Computer-Aided Mathematics:
    2017/2018, 2015/2016, 2011/2012, 2008/2009.

  9. Functional Analysis:

  10. Analysis III: Measure and Integration Theory of Several Variables:
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  11. Analysis II: Topology and Differential Calculus of Several Variables:
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  12. Ordinary Differential Equations:
    2016, 2014, 2013, 2012.
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  13. Analysis I: Calculus of One Real Variable:
    Link to Lecture Notes.

  14. Mathematics I for Students of Natural Sciences:

  15. Numerical Methods for Mathematical Finance:
    2011/2012, 2010.

  16. Mathematics IV for Geoscience Students:

  17. Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations:
    2009, 2007.

  18. Stationary and Transient Simulation:

  19. Precalculus:
    1995, 1994.

Discussion and Lab Sections:

  1. Ordinary Differential Equations:
    2013, 2012.

  2. Numerical Methods for Mathematical Finance:
    2011/2012, 2010.

  3. Calculus II for Statistics Students:
    2011, 2009, 2008.

  4. Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students:

  5. Numerical Analysis:
    2009/2010, 2008/2009.

  6. Programming II for Math Students:

  7. Matlab:

  8. Programming I for Math Students:


  1. Selected Topics from Analysis and Numerical Analysis:
    2024, 2022/2023, 2023, 2022/2023, 2022, 2021/2022, 2021, 2020/2021, 2020,
    2019/2020, 2019, 2018/2019, 2018, 2017/2018, 2017, 2016/2017, 2016, 2015/2016,
    2015, 2014/2015, 2014, 2013, 2012/2013, 2012, 2011/2012, 2011, 2010/2011, 2010.

  2. Ordinary Differential Equations:

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Last update: Jul 25, 2024 Peter Philip.