Exercises to
Mathematical quantum mechnaics
Exercises Mathematical Quantum Mechanics (Übungen Mathematische Quantenmechanik).
Exercise Sessions (start in the second week): Wednesday 12-14 and Friday 12-14 (B005)
Präsenzübungen / Tutorials (start in the first week): Wednesday 8-10 (B005)
To sign up for the exercises please use the Lecture Assistant.
Office hours: by appointment (send an email)
Problem sheets
Problem Sheet 1 (for October 25)Problem Sheet 2 (for November 2)Problem Sheet 3 (for November 8)Problem Sheet 4 (for November 15)Problem Sheet 5 (for November 22)Problem Sheet 6 (for November 29)Problem Sheet 7 (for December 6)Problem Sheet 8 (for December 13)Problem Sheet 9 (for December 20)Problem Sheet 10 (for January 10)Problem Sheet 11 (for January 17)Problem Sheet 12 (for January 24)Problem Sheet 13 (for January 31) |
Comments to the exercise sheets:
- Sheet 4, exercise 3 (d): A condition on f is needed (corrected).
- Sheet 5, exercise 4: $\R^d$ should be replaced by $[0,1]^d$ (corrected).
- Sheet 5: Since there was not enough time to discuss Exercises 2 and 3, I have uploaded the solution to sheet 5. There are also some additional remarks concerning exercise 4.$
- Sheet 6: Since there was not enough time to discuss Exercise 2, I have uploaded the solution.
- Sheet 7, exercise 3: $|x|\to 0$ should be replaced by $|x|\to \infty$ (corrected).
- Sheet 7: Since there was not enough time to discuss Exercises 4, I have uploaded the solution. See also the footnote in exercise 1 concerning a question raised in class.
- I have uploaded the solution to sheet 8.
- Sheet 12, exercise 1: Typo corrected (the order of $A$ and $K$ is reversed). Exercise 2: Added definition of $W_+$, $W_-$.
Präsenzübungen / Tutorials
Präsenzübung 1Präsenzübung 2Präsenzübung 3Präsenzübung 4Präsenzübung 5Präsenzübung 6Präsenzübung 7Präsenzübung 8Präsenzübung 9Präsenzübung 10 |