Markus HeydenreichAttention: NEW ADDRESSUniversität Augsburg NEW EMAIL: markus.heydenreich(at) Tel: +49 (0)821 598 2206 Office: Building L1, room 3012 |
Gibbsian Point Processes with M. Dickson (winter term 2022/23)
Student seminar: Phase Transitions in Statistical Mechanics (TMP, Master Math, Master FIM) with S. Jansen (winter term 2022/23)
Student seminar: Zufall und Simulation (LA Gym und WiPäd) with S. Ufer (winter term 2022/23)
Stochastic Processes (winter term 2021/22)
Student seminar: Circle packings and random walks with S. Hensel (winter term 2021/22)
Student seminar: Zufall und Simulation (LA Gym und WiPäd) with S. Ufer (winter term 2021/22)
Stochastik für Lehramtsstudierende (summer term 2021)
Reading seminar: Interacting Particle Systems (summer term 2021)
Oberseminar: Mathematical Epidemiology: Modelling and Inference (summer term 2021)
Research seminars and colloquia in Munich
Oberseminar Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie organized jointly with TUM
Mathematical Colloquium at LMU Munich
Summer School Schliersee, 28-30 September 2022
Colloquium Mathematical Epidemiology: Modelling and Inference on 20 July 2022
Augsburg-Munich Day on Exclusion Processes at LMU Munich on 17 December 2021
I am a mathematician; my field of expertise is probability theory. I am studying discrete random objects of varying flavour, such as- phase transitions in models of statistical mechanics, mean-field
behaviour, lace expansion;
- long-range order of discrete models in continuum space, symmetry
breaking, crystallization;
- spatial random graph models;
- random walk in dynamic random environment.
Current projects
- Scale-free percolation on finite domains (DFG research grant), 2018 - 2021
- Critical behaviour of the weight-dependent random connection model (DFG SPP 2265), 2020-2023
- Efficiency of Containment Measures: a Qualitative and Quantitative Research of Random Dynamics in Stochastic Environments (Volkswagenstiftung, Initiative "Corona Crisis and Beyond – Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society"), 2021-2022.
Principal investigators: M. Heydenreich, U. Mansmann, K. Panagiotou
Further activities
- Member of DFG-Scientific Network Stochastic Processes on Evolving Networks
- Editorial board of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry (2020-2025).
- Mentor of the LMU mentoring program
- Scientific coordinator of the Erasmus exchange program with ENS Lyon (more information about our Erasmus programs here)
Office hour
Please make appointments via email.
are listed on this page.
I make preprints available via
Published work can also be found on Zentralblatt MATH, the open access platform for mathematical bibliography.
Organization of conferences and workshops
MATRIX-MFO Tandom Workshop Stochastic Reinforcement Processes and Graphs at
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Germany) and MATRIX at Creswick (Australia), March 5-11, 2023.
Jointly organized with Cécile Mailler (Bath), Viktor Kleptsyn (Rennes), and Mark Holmes
(Melbourne). [Workshop website] |
Summer School Discrete Random Systems in
Schliersee, September 28-30, 2022. A gathering for Probabilists in the Munich area. [School website] |
Workshop Graph limits and random walks at Benediktbeuern (September 13-16, 2020) as part of DFG Scientific Network Stochastic Processes on Evolving Networks [Workshop website] |
Workshop Random Walk, Random Graphs and Random Media in
Munich, September 9-13, 2019. Jointly organized with Noam Berger (TUM),
Alexander Drewitz (Cologne), Nina Gantert (TUM), and Alejandro Ramirez
(Santiago). [Workshop website] |
Mini-Workshop Mathematics of Crystallization at
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, April 7-13, 2019.
Jointly organized with Stefan Adams (Warwick) and Michael Baake
(Bielefeld). [Workshop website] |
Workshop Random Structures in Neurosciences and
Biology, held in Herrsching, March 26-29, 2018. Jointly organized with Christian Hirsch (LMU) [Workshop website] |
Probability Day Erlangen-München,
joint annual event of FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, TU München and LMU München. [2016] [2017] [2018] [2019] [2020] |
Workshop Trends in Mathematical
Crystallization at Warwick University (UK), May 3-6, 2016.
Jointly organized with Stefan Adams (Warwick), Sabine
Jansen (Bochum), and Frank den Hollander (Leiden). [Workshop website] |
51st Netherlands Mathematical Congress
takes place in Leiden April 14-15, 2015 under the auspices of the Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap. [Congress website] |
Workshop Random walks in random
environment, the 12th workshop in the Young European Probabilists series,
organized jointly with Alexander Drewitz (New
York) at EURANDOM in Eindhoven; March
23-27, 2015. [Workshop
website] |
Workshop Mathematical Facets of
Crystallization at the Lorentz
Center in Leiden September 8-12, 2014. Jointly organized with Sabine
Jansen (Bochum) and Frank den Hollander (Leiden). [Workshop website] |
Studygroup Mathematics
with Industry 2013, at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, January 28
- February 1, 2013. Website Studygroup |
Workshop The expanding art of
at EURANDOM in Eindhoven February 14-17, 2012. Jointly organized with
Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven) and Roberto Fernandez (Utrecht). [Workshop website] |
- Diplom-Wirtschaftsmathematik (dipl. math. oec.), Technische Universität Berlin, 2004 [Diplomarbeit]
- Doctor (Dr.), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2008 [Proefschrift]