Department Mathematik



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Oberseminar: Calculus of Variations and Applications

The seminar takes place on Wednesday, starting from 4:15 pm, in room B 134, unless indicated otherwise.

Organizers: Phan Thành Nam, Arnaud Triay

Past semesters

Summer Semester 2023

Date Speaker Remark
18.04.2024 Nguyen Viet Dang Website / Unusual day: Colloqium talk, Thursday 4:30 in A027
24.04.2024 Salma Lahbabi Website
25.04.2024 Jinyeop Lee Website / Unusual day: Colloqium talk, Thursday 4:30 in A027
08.05.2024 Quoc Hung Nguyen Website
15.05.2024 Diane Saint Aubin
22.05.2024 Yuri Suhov Website
29.05.2024 David Gontier Website
19.06.2024 Israel Michael Sigal Website
26.06.2024 Benjamin Hinrichs Website

  • 18.04.2024: Nguyen Viet Dang (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu).

    Title: Aspects of constructive quantum field theory

    Abstract: In this talk, I will try to motivate the subject of constructive quantum field theory which was born in the 70's as an attempt to give rigorous constructions of quantum field theory models on Minkowski space and also describe scaling limits of spin systems. We will focus on some examples which give a taste of the theory and then discuss recent advances and open problems.
  • 24.04.2024: Salma Lahbabi ( Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electricité et de Mécanique (ENSEM), Université Hassan II de Casablanca (UHIIC), université Paris-Dauphine).

    Title: Density functional theory for two dimensional homogeneous materials

    Abstract: We study Density Functional Theory models for 2D materials in the 3D space. Our interest comes from the recent developments of two-dimensional materials, such as graphene and phosphorene, in the physics community [2]. In this work, we focus on homogeneous systems. We first show that a homogeneous material can be seen as a limit of periodic systems [1]. Next, we derive reduced models in the remaining orthogonal direction, for DFT models with and without magnetic fields [3, 4]. We show how the different terms of the energy are modified and we derive reduced equations in the remaining direction. We prove some properties of the ground state, such as perfect screening and precise decay estimates in the Thomas-Fermi model, and in Kohn-Sham models, we prove that the Pauli principle is replaced by a penalization term in the energy.

    [1] S. Benjelloun, S. Lahbabi, and A. Moussa, Homogenization of 2D materials in the Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsacker theory, arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.08067, (2023).
    [2] A. Geim and I. Grigorieva, Van der Waals heterostructures, Nature, 499 (2013), pp. 419 425.
    [3] D. Gontier, S. Lahbabi, and M. A., Density functional theory for ho- mogeneous two dimensional materials, Comm. Math. Phys., 388 (2021), pp. 1475 1505.
    [4] D. Gontier, S. Lahbabi, and A. Maichine, Density functional theory for two-dimensional homogeneous materials with magnetic fields, Journal of Functional Analysis, 285 (2023), p. 110100.

  • 25.04.2024: Jinyeop Lee (LMU Munich).

    Title: Derivation of the Vlasov Equation from Fermionic Many-Body Schrödinger Systems via Husimi Measure

    Abstract: This work offers a derivation of the Vlasov equation from fermionic many-body Schrödinger systems, utilizing the Husimi measure as a connecting tool between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. We start with an intuitive overview of the Vlasov equation, followed by a concise investigation of the many-body Schrödinger equation. The core of our discussion is about the usage of the Husimi measures to bridge these two equations. Participants will be introduced to the underlying formalism and techniques for the derivation process.
  • 08.05.2024: Quoc Hung Nguyen ( Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences).

    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA
  • 15.05.2024: Diane Saint Aubin (Universität Zürich).

    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA
  • 22.05.2024: Yuri Suhov (Mathematics department at Penn State University).

    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA
  • 29.05.2024: David Gontier (CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine - PSL)

    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA
  • 19.06.2024: Israel Michael Sigal (University of Toronto)

    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA
  • 26.06.2024: Benjamin Hinrichs (University of Paderborn)

    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA