Oberseminar Analysis und Zufall (WS 2019)
Müller (LMU) und S. Warzel (TUM)
TUM: Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Room 03.10.011
LMU: Theresienstr. 39, 80333 München, Room B 251
Tuesday, 16:30 to 18:30
Date |
Speaker |
Topic |
Location |
08.10.2019 16h | Ivan Khaymovich (Dresden) |
Correlation induced localization | Raum 3344, TUM Physik |
22.10.19 | Wojciech Dybalski (TUM) |
Effective mass of the polaron - revisited | LMU |
05.11.2019 | Michael Aizenman (Princeton University, USA) |
Two quantum spin chains with a common random geometric scaffolding | TUM |
19.11.2019 |
Flore Kunst (MPIQ, München) |
Topological phases in non-Hermitian systems | TUM |
03.12.2019 |
Robin Reuvers (CAM AC UK) |
Generalized Pauli constraints in large systems: the Pauli principle dominates | TUM |
17.12.2019 |
Jakob Stern (LMU München) |
Area laws for the entanglement entropy | LMU |
28.01.2020 |
Julian Widl (LMU) | Entanglement entropy for non-interacting disordered fermions at positive temperature (MSc Thesis presentation) |
28.01.2020 |
Chokri Manai (TUM) | A survey of recent results on quantum spin glasses’ (MSc Thesis presentation) |
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