Department Mathematik



Covering lemmas and applications

(Reading seminar Summer 2022)

Phan Thành Nam - Uni2work

General Information

Description: In this seminar, we will discuss Vitali covering lemma, Besicovitch covering lemma, Whitney covering lemma, and the like, as well as their applications in real and functional analysis.

Audience : Bachelor and Master students of Mathematics.

Credits: 3 ECTS.

Language: English.

Please register via Uni2work.

Time and place: Thursday, 10:15-12:00, room B 046. The first meeting takes place on May 5.


May 5. Introduction.

May 19. Phan Thành Nam: Vitali covering lemma: its proof and applications.

June 23. Yannick Ehrhardt: Besicovitch covering lemma: its proof and application to the maximal inequality.

June 30. Phan Thành Nam: Application of Besicovitch covering lemma to the Lieb-Thirring inequality.

July 7. Charlotte Dietze: Application of Besicovitch covering lemma to nodal sets.

July 14. Carlo Kneissl: Whiney covering lemma: its proof and application to the Calderón–Zygmund decomposition.

July 21. Andreas Hofherr: Application of Besicovitch covering lemma to the Cwikel–Lieb–Rozenblum inequality.