Vorlesung: Partielle Differentialgleichungen (PDG1) (WiSe 2013/14)

Exam Information:

Exam: Oral exam (mündliche Prüfung), 30 min per student.

Dates: February 12th & 13th 2014. (By more sign-ups than expected, possibly also February 14th.)

Place: B 408 (office Prof. Sørensen).

Exam content/examination material (Prüfungsstoff):
Lectures (including details of proofs) up until and including Lecture on 30th January 2014 and Exercise Sheets (Übungsblätter) and their solutions up until and including Sheet 13 (solutions discussed 29th January 2014). (Minus: Ex. 3 Sheet 10).

Clarification: Exercises for the Tutorials (Zusätzliche Übungen) are not material in themselves except if they are details from the lectures that students should fill in themselves anyway - in which case they are material.

Language (Sprache): You may take the exam in English or in German (but not a mix!). Please let us know when signing up (see below).

Signing up (Anmeldung): Via email from your LMU-account to cuenin-at-math.lmu.de.

Copy and paste the following and fill in all the needed data (for explanation, see end of page):










Your wish(es) for time slot:

Language (English or German):


Deadline (for signing up): 29th January 2014 12.00 (noon) (no exceptions!)

List of who-when: The list of who takes the exam when will be presented in the Lectures on February 3rd and 6th, as well as in the Exercise Class of February 5th. You may also consult it in the office hours (Sprechstunde; Wed 10-11) of Dr. Cuenin. (Note: The list will not be published here and no information will be given via email.)

Change of time: If you wish to change your exam time this can only be done in the following way: (1) You find someone to change with (2) The two of you turn up, in person, at the office hours (Wed 10-11 or (extra) Friday Feb 7th, 10-11) of Dr. Cuenin and ask to swap.

Re-exam (Nachholprüfung): Students who fail the exam on February 12th/13th (and only those) will be offered a re-exam (date to be fixed; probably in February 2014). If you fail (on Feb. 12th/13th) and if you want a make-up exam, then send an email to cuenin-at-math.lmu.de. Deadline: Saturday February 15th, 12.00 (noon).

(Explanation data:
'Mtknr.' = 'Matrikulationsnummer'/Immatriculation number (LMU).
'Studiengang': Mathematik, TMP, Wirtschaftsmathematik etc.
'PO-Version': Prüfungsordnungs-version (Jahr/year) (TMP has only one).
'HF/NF': Hauptfach/Nebenfach - for which one should course count?
'Abschl.': Master or Bachelor?
'Buchungsstelle': Mathematik. Physik, TMP, anders; 'Masterstudenten geben bitte an als welches Modul die Veranstaltung verbucht werden soll'.)


Letzte Änderung: 18. February 2014 (no more updates).

Thomas Østergaard Sørensen

Curriculum Vitae