Vorlesung: Funktionalanalysis (FA1) (SoSe 2016)

Some advice (in no particular order) on writing up solutions to Homework (and exams!):

(1) First solve the problem/exercise. Then write up the solution carefully and in detail.

(2) Write readably.

(That is, sufficiently big, sufficiently clear, nice and orderly, with enough text and explanations etc. What you write, is the only thing the reader has (no-one - yet - knows how to read thoughts!)

(3) Clearly tell, when you use any assumptions stated in the exercise.

(If not, it will be assumed you do not know where they are used, or what they are needed for).

(4) Clearly give mathematical justifications for what you do:

If applying any known theorems, state clearly which one, and state clearly why the assumptions in that theorem are satisfied in the case where you use it.

(If not, it will be assumed you do not know why what you write is correct, and that you don't know why one is allowed to use the mentioned theorem).

Wie bearbeitet man ein Übungsblatt? von Prof. Dr. Manfred Lehn, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.

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Letzte Änderung: 18 April 2016.

Thomas Østergaard Sørensen

Curriculum Vitae